Attempted murder is the failed or aborted attempt to murder another person. Just like other crimes, attempted murder consists of both an action and an intention. In attempted murder, a person must take a direct step towards the killing and must have the specific intent to kill that person.
YES mike and rob
that is billions of people taking in carcinogens
johnson and johnson, merk, phizer
all will be banrkupted for their insatiable greed for the profits of cancer
Attempted murder is the failed or aborted attempt to murder another person. Just like other crimes, attempted murder consists of both an action and an intention. In attempted murder, a person must take a direct step towards the killing and must have the specific intent to kill that person.
they’re trying to kill us all
us “useless” eaters
Vlad is threatening to impale Babylon if they kill u bro joe…so don’t be afraid
we can hold 40 million slavs in our bunker
but as for mystery babylon USA
a few billionaire families with grey poupon, cuban cigars, adn kristal champagne