Vaccine Injury

Death and Vaccination


Eustace Mullins research into vaccinations in this video

One of the few doctors who has dared to speak out against the Medical Monopoly, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, dramatized his stand against Modern Medicine by defining it as a Church which has Four Holy Waters. The first of these, he listed as Vaccination. Dr. Mendelsohn termed vaccination “of questionable safety.” However, other doctors have been more explicit. It is notable that the Rockefeller interests have fought throughout the nineteenth century to make these Four Holy Waters compulsory throughout the United States, ignoring all the protests and warnings of their dangers.

Of these four items, which might well be termed the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, because they too are known to bring death and destruction in their wake, the most pernicious in its long term effects may well be the practice of immunization. This practice goes directly against the discovery of modem holistic medical experts that the body has a natural immune defense against illness. The Church of Modem Medicine claims that we can only be absolved from the peril of infection by the Holy Water of vaccination, injecting into the system a foreign body of infection, which will then perform a Medical Miracle, and will confer life-long immunity, hence the term, “immunization.” The greatest heresy any physician can commit is to voice publicly any doubt of any one of the Four Holy Waters, but the most deeply entrenched in modern medical practice is undoubtedly the numerous vaccination programs. They are also the most consistently profitable operations of the Medical Monopoly. Yet one physician, Dr. Henry R. Bybee, of Norfolk, Virginia, has publicly stated,

Would You Like to know More?

Movie 1 of Vaxxed “From Cover up to Catastrophe”
part 2
part 3


Vaxxed 2, the people’s TRUTH
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8 thoughts on “Vaccine Injury

  1. Few things are more common in a hospital setting than a bag of saline solution, used to administer medicines via intravenous (IV) delivery. They cost hospitals $1 to $5. The price listed on a hospital bill is frequently more like $100 to $1000

    — DR Bill

    eyes wide shut

  2. Gardasil vaxx was advertised everywhere in our canadian cities…..American/Babylonian quack medicine

    A physician formerly employed by Merck (the manufacturer of the HPV vaccine Gardasil) was quoted in the April 2014 issue of the French magazine Principes de Santé (Health Principles), with a strong warning against Gardasil. Dr. Bernard Dalbergue said,“I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.”

  3. i had that vivid deniro dream telling me to ACT with him….but a good actor can write his own lines

    the giants he’s talking about is the big pharma medical mafia mike….he has a autistic son and another got labelled bipolar…..

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