we walk on is CURSED…take back Canada, by giving back the unceded land of British Columbia. Only the Kalkat brothers read as much Hardy Boys Novels at the Kensington Library than the Jukic Boys.
give back what is unceded
so the genocide will not be repeated
Hey Hey Ho Ho
your monarchy has to go
Hey Hey Ho Ho
jim pattison’s obsolete cars are rustin’
con artists and swindlers we put our trust in
take back canada
no more shit coins
no more pyramid schemes
take back canada
no more pot holed roads
gasoline and tar
we can use our hemp to build canadian cars
roman roads for canada and a bullet train
instead of a bullets for the Prime ministers hornets
i ask you @mike-jukic
shall we look away on the famine in yemen?
the patented plagues?
Yale and the brothers of death?
or NATOs depleted uranium conquests?
my slogan is TAKE BACK CANADA
the UFOs we see might be Canadian
our best efforts are top secret and in need of revelation
at the church was to create a psyop crime scene of hellish proportions
the burned tarot cards
the gasoline prices making the oil men even richer
don’t doubt our lady of van’s mysterious ways
so this langara thrown away book:
is your evidence?
is it right in front of our faces? Like epstein island?